Blue's Blog

    Poetry to Protect the Guilty!

Friday, February 17, 2012

A New Plan

Done in 2008, 'Poets in a Blues Mood', is an anthology I put together to advertise the Cruzio Cafe. Its purpose was to showcase the Cafe's production capabilities, artistic abilities and literary qualities. It was published to be distributed as a reward for people who would donate money to the Cafe. The eight poets showcased were selected from the more than 120 animations the Cafe made between the summer of 2002 and the summer of 2007.

At any rate, that was the plan. Instead, I retired. And now a new plan has surfaced. The new plan is to use 'Poets in a Blues Mood' as the first of four 20-30 minute DVDs. Animated anthologies selected from the pieces appearing at the Cafe.

I've started collecting the work for a second DVD, 'Love Stories'. And outlines for the last two, 'Old White Guys' and 'Lingerie Ladies and other Love Poems', have been drawn up.

Eventually, then, the anthologies will be offered as a boxed set of DVDs provided at the cost of producing them. How's that for a new plan? It is my belief that a market exists for poetry videos, featuring 8 to 10 poets performing for no more than 20 to 30 minutes, DVDs that could be distributed by small press publishers to the same retailers that market the small press publishers' books.

As far as 'Poets in a Blues Mood' is concerned, anyone who would like a signed DVD of the movie need only send an email to with a request. In the email please include a snail mail address of where to send it, and a check for $2.50 (to cover the DVD production cost and postage). Oh wait, it's impossible to include a check in an email, isn't it? ... Well, you can send it to my Post Office Box. That's Beau Blue, PO Box 26303, San Jose, CA 95159-6303.

I think the time has come for a new small press poetry product. Maybe some of you might help me prove myself right? Thank you for any and all help you might give me on this project.

Beau Blue